

Serving Wichita & the Surrounding Area

For those facing hair loss, our Bravadas Wigs & Hair Restoration studio in Wichita, Kansas, offers selection and expertise unlike any other in the area. When you join us at our studio, you’ll find the following high-quality solutions from top brands:

Our team of hair experts will take the time to listen to your wants and needs, consider your facial features and lifestyle, and ultimately find you a virtually undetectable solution. You’ll walk out feeling confident and looking great!

To learn more about what we can do for you, schedule a FREE, private consultation today.

*Our Bravadas studio in Wichita is located within Beau Monde Spa and Boutique.

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Schedule Your Free Consultation

Bravadas is much, much more than a wig and hair replacement store. We offer private, personalized care unlike anyone else in the industry. Our compassionate experts will help you find the perfect solution for you that fits comfortably, matches your desired cut and color, and makes you walk out the door with even more confidence! Begin your journey to better hair today by scheduling your free consultation. Not sure what to expect? Watch our video here to learn more!

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