Women’s Hair Loss Causes
Female hair loss is something that we don’t talk about nearly enough. It’s incredibly common, and yet many women feel like it’s something they must keep secret. One way to destigmatize hair loss in women is to be more candid about the various causes of women’s thinning hair.
For many women, the underlying cause of hair loss is genetic. Women can get “pattern baldness” just the same as men can, resulting in hair that thins gradually over time. Female pattern hair loss, or androgenetic alopecia, is connected to DHT, a testosterone byproduct that inhibits the proper functioning of the hair follicles, thwarting growth. Though female pattern hair loss does not yet have a cure, there are certainly options for hair restoration.
Women may also be afflicted with more severe forms of alopecia, including alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis, both of which can lead to widespread hair loss across the body. These conditions are becoming increasingly common, and while they may be vexing, they can always be addressed via hair restoration treatments and hair pieces.
Any condition that affects the hormones can ultimately contribute to women’s hair loss. Some women notice differences in their hair levels following pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause. Additionally, women may experience thinning hair as a result of medical treatment, including radiation, chemotherapy, and certain pharmaceuticals.
Lifestyle may be a factor in female hair loss. Women who routinely wear their hair in tight buns or braids may actually cause damage and scarring to the follicles. Additionally, unmanaged stress and poor nutrition can cause hair loss.
In addition to stress, there are other mental health issues that can manifest with thinning hair. A condition known as trichotillomania, which is related to anxiety, may result in the compulsive pulling or twisting of the hair. Over time, this may result in scarring, making hair loss permanent.
Men’s Hair Loss Causes
When it comes to hair loss in men, the 400-pound gorilla in the room is androgenetic alopecia, more commonly known as male pattern hair loss. This is an incredibly common cause for hair loss in males, impacting a majority of men at some point in their life. In fact, nine out of 10 men who lose their hair have male pattern hair loss to blame.
What is male pattern hair loss, exactly? It is generally thought to be a genetic condition, resulting in the increased production of DHT. DHT is a byproduct of testosterone, and it can bind with the follicles to inhibit their functionality. This may result in excess shedding, combined with minimal production of new hair.
While this is by far the most common source of hair loss in men, there can be other causes of male hair loss, as well. More advanced forms of alopecia, including alopecia totalis, can result in hair loss on the scalp and across the body. We see more and more cases of alopecia all the time.
Some men experience hair loss as a result of medical treatment. It is well known that chemotherapy and radiation treatments can contribute to hair loss in men, but so can many commonly prescribed medications.
There are lifestyle factors that can affect hair loss in men. Bad nutrition may impede proper growth. Conditions of the scalp can clog the follicles, making it impossible for new hair to grow. Even certain hair styles, such as tight buns and braids, can pull at the follicles and lead to scarring. This may make hair loss permanent.
There are many potential causes for male hair loss, but there are also many potential solutions. Hair loss never has to get the last word. If you have noticed thinning hair for any reason at all, make sure you educate yourself about some of the hair restoration options available.
Explore the Options for Hair Restoration
Female hair loss and male hair loss are both quite common and may be caused by a range of different factors. Determining the cause of your thinning hair is often an important step toward finding a solution. No matter what’s causing your hair to thin, we can provide you with treatment options.
Ready to learn more about the different ways to address hair loss? The first step is to contact us to schedule a FREE consultation.